So, Why Art?

Art has been a modality for communication and expression for thousands of years. It communicates feeling and emotion in ways that modern language cannot. Art is the glue that binds together science, culture, and humanity, like the hotline to the divine. Distillation, cask maturation, and blending can be expressed through both the scientific and the artistic lens.

Traditionally fermentation and distillation were a means to an end – a way to ensure all of that year's harvested grain did not go to waste. Later, that evolved into what became the marketing and selling of a viable product. Soon after you saw many producers - the Glen Grants, Old Taylors, Jim Beams – turn into the brands that we know well today. Reverend Elijah Craig was the first to age whiskey in a charred oak barrel. Sure, that seems plausible… and it makes a hell of a story.

Over time these stories were etched into the history books and now we’re drowning in an industry bigger than ever, each brand needing to tell its story uniquely so that it stands out. In the last 7 years, brands have been popping up like mushrooms. If you’re a distillery you may be built on craft and locality, the "farm to glass" movement is a perfect example. Others have chosen to dig deeper in an attempt to connect the roots of yesteryear into a manufactured narrative that seamlessly blends with the sands of time like they’ve been here all along. Some like us, have chosen the route of independent bottle, which are now becoming a dime a dozen. So how does one differentiate?

Josh with circular yellow art

Our spirit, my friends, is anything but subtle. As artists, we soak in the vibes, the tastes, the feels. Our Art is a mirror reflecting our view of the world—a world where it transcends the boundaries of language and spills into the spirit realm.

So why art? It’s not a choice, it's a necessity. We believe that art has the power to convey ideas or emotions that exist beyond the realms of language, beyond the canvas, glass, or mind. The job of the artist is to capture a feeling or moment in time. Whether through a song, a painting, or a recipe that was passed down through your family for generations. When the right elements come together, this isn’t just a spirit, it’s spiritual. When I think about these things, I find myself wondering, "How do I bottle that?" Well, I'm not entirely sure, but watch me.